Updated status!

Pre-order date starts :
18th August - 22nd August
Those who wish to place order email to
cuppycake@kuririnmail.com or SMS to Ker Sin 012 666 8751

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Ready stock!

Rilakumma Bento box
 RM40 included postage

*Good quality
*Microwaveable *remove lid before microwaveable

Hello kitty bento box
 RM40 included postage

*Good quality
*Microwaveable *remove lid before microwaveable

Arnest Panda Sushi Mold 
RM45 /per set

Cute Arnest Panda Sushi Mold & Nori Set
RM40 included postage

Marvel Super Hero Bento Box

Who is your  marvel super hero?!
Give your kids or your love ones a lunch surprise!
We have here 
-The hulk
-Iron man
-Captain america

Price:RM70 RM50 (included postage) 
Buy 2 + mysterious free gift!

Tell you what, they are all available!
-Pre-order only takes 1 week!-
1st come 1st serve

Cash on delivery are available too!
If you are interested to order this fanta-bulous item.
Email to us at cuppycake@kuririnmail.com
For fast order: 
SMS to 012 666 8751 (Ker Sin)

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Kawaii Sushi Mould Press Set

Kawaii Panda Sushi Mould Set

Arnest Panda Sushi Mould

RM25.00 per set
In stock x2 

Arnest Panda Sushi Mold

RM35.00 per set
In stock x1